Emily Hung
Emily is an Assistant Consultant who recently joined Hardisty Jones Associates at the end of 2022. Prior to entering the field of economic development consulting, she completed a BSc degree in Human Geography at Cardiff University.
Emily is an Assistant Consultant who recently joined Hardisty Jones Associates at the end of 2022. Prior to entering the field of economic development consulting, she completed a BSc degree in Human Geography at Cardiff University.
In her degree, she undertook various modules which included topics around economic growth, regeneration and rebranding, socio-economic inequalities, and climate change. She also wrote a dissertation exploring the climate change policies and agendas put forward by Cardiff Council and Cardiff University. From her time at HJA, she has gained experience in assisting in economic data collection and assessing the strategic fit of developments through policy reviews. She has also helped support work on projects around clean energy and local regeneration.