Economic Development Strategy

We help local authorities, pan-regional partnerships, and others to understand their local economies and the opportunities and challenges they are likely to face, to help guide future development activity and attract funding and investment to deliver this activity.

How We Can Help

Based on a detailed analysis of local economies, we help create an economic vision for the future, a set of measurable objectives for economic development, and identify and define actions and projects to deliver this. This helps to guide future development activity and also attract funding and investment, from both the public and private sectors, to deliver the activity.

Our recent work in this area has included support to local authorities on the issue of recovering from the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Importance of a Strong Economic Development Strategy

Strategic economic development plans and strategies are an important part of achieving sustainable economic growth, which will ultimately improve the lives of local residents. By formalising a strategic approach to economic growth, local areas can set clear and attainable objectives, design policies and programmes to achieve these, and thereby take control of economic development in their area.

An effective economic development strategy can provide direction for local areas to follow in order to capitalise on their unique opportunities, or overcome a range of challenges. Our work can help local policy makers understand how a number of factors can influence economic growth in their area, including:

  • Population and employment growth/decline
  • Specific relevant externalities e.g. Covid-19 pandemic, Brexit
  • Labour market e.g. skills and training
  • Housing
  • Sector strengths and weaknesses
  • Public and private investment
  • Land use and employment premises stock

Our Approach

We recognise that each local area has its own economic assets, heritage, and strengths upon which to base its future economic development goals. We therefore ensure that a local area’s unique traits feature prominently in our work. Our economic development strategy approach will typically include consideration of:

  • Local, regional and national economic profiling covering past, present, and future performance.
  • Localised (e.g. sub-district) aims and objectives, accounting for functional economic market areas.
  • Benefits of delivering the strategy’s aims and objectives.
  • Ongoing monitoring and evaluation to measure progress.
  • A local area’s existing strategic values and vision.
  • A vision, aims and objectives for ongoing sustainable economic growth, built around a set of themes e.g. housing, economy, and environmental sustainability.
  • Projects that will help deliver on the stated aims and objectives.
  • Funding asks that can help deliver the identified projects.

Service Lead

Gareth Jones


  • North Devon Innovation Strategy

    HJA were commissioned by Torridge and North Devon District Councils to develop and Innovation Strategy for Northern Devon that would identify gaps in the innovation landscape in Northern Devon and identify an action plan to fill those gaps.

  • Devon Coastal and Market Towns Action Plan

    We delivered an Action Plan for Devon County Council which offered specific proposals to support local authorities’ town regeneration, including proposals for pilot programmes, and a detailed plan for County, District, and town stakeholders to progress their support for town growth and development.

  • Heart of the South West Towns Study

    We delivered a Study on behalf of the Herat of the South West LEP which considered how towns can respond to the challenges of Covid-19, and recommended a range of actions detailing how the LEP can achieve their strategic objectives.

  • North Devon Innovation Strategy

    HJA were commissioned by Torridge and North Devon District Councils to develop and Innovation Strategy for Northern Devon that would identify gaps in the innovation landscape in Northern Devon and identify an action plan to fill those gaps.

  • Devon Coastal and Market Towns Action Plan

    We delivered an Action Plan for Devon County Council which offered specific proposals to support local authorities’ town regeneration, including proposals for pilot programmes, and a detailed plan for County, District, and town stakeholders to progress their support for town growth and development.