How We Can Help
We help our clients to refine and improve projects by preparing business cases, which often support applications for public funding for projects. Our Green Book compliant business cases – following principles set out by HM Treasury – include setting out the five strategic, economic, financial, commercial, and management cases. Our business case work has covered:
- Urban regeneration schemes
- Public realm improvements
- Digital infrastructure upgrades
- Public transport improvements
- Innovation and enterprise centres
- Flexible workspaces
The Importance of a Strong Business Case
Projects are far more likely to deliver their intended outcomes and benefits when properly scoped, planned, and costed from the outset. Preparation of a business case using the five case model provides decision makers and stakeholders with assurances that, based on structured thinking within a proven framework, a project:
- Provides strategic fit and is underpinned by a compelling case for change;
- Maximises social value by choosing the best combination of components and products;
- Is commercially viable and attractive;
- Is affordable and fundable in a sustainable manner; and
- Can be successfully delivered by an organisation and its partners.
Our Approach
As part of our business case preparation we follow the Green Book’s Five Case Model:
- Strategic case: project background and rationale; alignment to key local and national policies; the projects SMART objectives; outputs and outcomes; evidence of market failure, how the project will tackle it, and what will happen without the intervention; key beneficiaries; views of key stakeholders; and dependencies, constraints and risks.
- Economic case: long list of options considered, and shortlist; options appraisal; Benefit to Cost ratios for all options, including additionality calculation of all benefits, application of optimism bias, and use of net present values; sensitivity analysis; and management of dependencies, constraints and risks.
- Commercial case: market and commercial demand for the project; viability and deliverability of the project; procurement; contract management; delivery model; and risks identified, allocated and managed.
- Financial case: Capital and revenue costs; funding sources; project affordability; contingencies; operating costs and financial sustainability; financial risks.
- Management case: governance and management; track record; delivery programme; risk register; contingency plan; permissions; monitoring and evaluation; benefits register; stakeholder management strategy.
Exeter & East Devon Enterprise Zone requested a high-level appraisal of a proposed district heating transmission main that would serve the Cranbrook Expansion Zones. Our appraisal showed that the project did not meet the strategic objectives of the Enterprise Zone. This led to the Enterprise Zone reconsidering their investment, and seeking an appraisal of an…
In 2021, Hardisty Jones assisted Torbay Council and TDA to secure Town Deal funding and support, helping to prepare a Town Investment Plan to help secure £21.9 million of funding for economic regeneration in Torquay and subsequently develop business cases for eight projects.
In 2018, Hardisty Jones conducted an appraisal and developed a business case for investment in public realm and infrastructure improvements in the Lansdowne business district of Bournemouth.
Exeter & East Devon Enterprise Zone requested a high-level appraisal of a proposed district heating transmission main that would serve the Cranbrook Expansion Zones. Our appraisal showed that the project did not meet the strategic objectives of the Enterprise Zone. This led to the Enterprise Zone reconsidering their investment, and seeking an appraisal of an…
In 2021, Hardisty Jones assisted Torbay Council and TDA to secure Town Deal funding and support, helping to prepare a Town Investment Plan to help secure £21.9 million of funding for economic regeneration in Torquay and subsequently develop business cases for eight projects.