Economic and Community Benefits Assessment for Proposed Residential Development at Winneycroft Farm, Gloucester
HJA supported a proposed residential development to gain planning permission and site allocation, through delivering an economic and community benefits assessment and appearing as an expert witness.
The Trustees of Mrs. C. Grounds No.6 Settlement
HJA delivered an economic and community benefits assessment on a proposed residential development at Winneycroft Farm, Gloucester, which considered the range of benefits arising from the construction and operational phases of the development. HJA also delivered an updated review of the approach and underlying evidence used to determine the level of housing provision contained within the Gloucester, Cheltenham and Tewksbury Draft Joint Core Strategy (JCS), to seek any opportunities to increase provision of the proposed development.
The proposed development comprised of 250 residential units on land to the south, and adjacent to, the existing Matson Estate. HJA delivered a report outlining the potential benefits to the local area, assessing impacts in terms of person-years of employment and income during the construction phase, and impacts to employment, retail expenditure, council revenue, wider community benefits, and housing during operational phase.
The assessment demonstrated the beneficial nature of the proposed development on multiple socio-economic factors and in helping to meet needs of residents of Matson as well as the wider Gloucester City Area.
The updated review considered new policy and evidence documents to understand whether there would be any opportunities to challenge the level of housing provision within the Draft JCS, with a view to seeking an increase in provision. HJA concluded there is not a strong case for a higher provision of housing, however should the Draft JCS set out the potential for higher economic growth (and the economy performs at this higher level) it is feasible that the provision of housing may need to be increased.
HJA appeared as expert witnesses at the Examination in Public, the outcome of which resulted in a secured allocation of the proposed development site in the resulting JCS.
If you would like to talk to us about how we can support your efforts to gain planning permission for a residential development, please get in touch using the project lead contact details below.